My best instruments of art

I am not a fashion student. Well, yes I am, but I’m not currently attending a fashion design school. I’m a student in Economics (all i see is $ signs lol). I’ve been learning online, through websites and also from books. Magazines have always been helping me out when it comes to inspiration.

I started drawing, fashion drawing at the age of 13 and since then, I’ve been trying to improve my craft, and I think I’ve grown (of course I have) as well as my designs and my style. My inspiration comes from many places, from many celebrities, but mostly from me.

For my drawings, sometimes I think selfishly (I admit it), because I draw things that I would wear, but then again, I remember that some people like my style and I say to myself that they wouldn’t mind wearing something inspired from me.

When it comes to the learning process (Yes, I’m still in the learning process), 2 main websites have helped a lot: and These websites are made of tutorial concerning pretty much everything: the use of colors, patterns rendering, fashion poses, fashion faces, fashion proportions and all that. In the « book section », « Fashion drawing for dummies » has also helped me alot. Besides showing you how to draw positions, the main views in fashion and all that, it also gives you a perspective of the fashion industry, like how to have a excellent portfolios, how to keep up with fashion, and many more things.

Something I’ve learned is that when it comes to fashion drawing, colors and details are very crucial, because they determine how you want your clothes to look, and also of your collection and for that, you’ll need to use the best pencils, markers, etc out there. Personnaly, I only uses Promarkers. I think they are the best out there, they blend excellently. I discoverded those on recently and I’m very happy with it. For pencils I use Crayola pencils, also very smooth and blend well. I don’t use any watercolors yet. For the paper, I use marker paper and I’m seriously in love with it, it also works as tracing paper but it’s not. With those elements, I feel like what I have in mind easily comes to life.

I don’t pretend to be a teacher or something like, I’m just sharing what I learn daily.

In my next post, I’ll detail everything about my markers and pencils, in the meantime, this is a design I did only using Promarkers, enjoy and let me know what you think of it.

Peace and Class Darlings!


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