Archives pour la catégorie Sewing Projects

Customized Shirt

Hi people!

I finally got to touch my baby (sewing machine)!!!! I was itching to do that. I loved the itch though, it allowed me to come up with something good.
Here’s the story: I have decided not to throw or give away my old clothes (well, the iones I really like). Instead, I’m going to modify, transform and make them cooler.

I started with this shirt and added some some fabric that I still had. I spent about 3 hours on it.

So here’s the result!! *Drum rolls*






PS: I just realized that there was a thread hanging! OMG!

That was it for today!! I’ll be back in a few days.

You can also check out where you’ll find my posts too.

Twitter: @KKGDeBord, IG: @etoilekoukougnon.

Thank you.

On that note,

Peace and Class.

Sewing Project 3: Circle skirt ( and Bandeau Top)

Good day guys!

Project #3 is here!! A very simple circle skirt and a bandeau top. I bought 3 yards of fabric and ended up using 2 1/2 yards.

Oya! Let me not do the  »long talk » thing » and get straight to the point!



That’s it guys! I hope that you’ll find this interesting. More projects are on the way. In the mean time, you can also check out where I also post articles.

You can follow me on IG @etoilekoukougnon and Twitter @KKGDeBord.

Thank you!

On that note,

Peace and Class.


Sewing Project 2: Jacket and high waisted shorts

Greetings my people from yours truly!

Today, I’ll present to you my second sewing project, which is a jacket and high waisted shorts. I started and finished this last weekend. I didn’t do it from scratch. I made patterns for it.


This is 1/2 of the whole pattern: #1 is the back and #2 is the front. I used this to make the jacket.


This is the pattern for the shorts: #1 is the front, #2 is the back and #3 and #4 are the pocket bag.

I really took my time with this project because the fabric is really nice and I didn’t want to waste it or whatsoever. With that being said, let’s have a look at the results!!! *Drum rolls*


This is how the shorts look. I added a waistband.


Now, the jacket and the shorts. There are 3 buttons on the jacket but I didn’t make holes.

Last but not least. You all know I need to wrap my head, so this is the final look.  »Drum rolls again*

I’m really happy about this one. I think it came out the way I wanted. Also like I told you, the fabric is pretty nice.

I hope that you’ll enjoy reading this article and stay around for the next sewing project.

You can follow me on IG @etoilekoukougnon and Twitter @KKGDeBord.

On that note,

Peace and Class.

Sewing Project 1: Blazer

Hello Lovies!

These coming weeks, I’ll be posting some sewing projects, whether the results are good or bad.

This first project is a blazer. I love me some blazers (I don’t have much though, only 6) and mastering the art of making them is kind of crucial to me. In that spirit, I tried to make one myself.

It’s not a fancy blazer, it’s a simple one. I made it using another blazer as a pattern. So here it is!


I used 1 yard and half for it and there was still fabric. I used and will be using it to wrap my head. That fabric actually gives me a « summer vibe ». Initially, I didn’t want to add any button, but I ended up adding 4 buttons.

To me, it looks like a shirt and a blazer at the same time! But I’m kind of satisfied with the results. I made a big mistake though: I sew the left arm right side down (the wrong side of the fabric is showing). I still have to work on the collar. Putting the buttons and making holes for it was less difficult.  Other than these two things, I think I’m ok for now. But I believe my next blazer will be better.


Comments and suggestions are very welcome.

You can follow me on IG :@etoilekoukougnon, Twitter: @KKGDeBord.

On that note,

Peace and Class.