Archives pour la catégorie Fashion Illustrations

« When you draw something, it lives… »

Hello Lovies!

Long time, no post!
Well, I’m back now and this time with one of my most precious creations.
It simple yet I find it elegant and at the same time sexy.
It’s one of my latest projects: « lingerie ».

Enjoy the ride!


The first step, is always the hardest. You have to give life to your vision.



After comes the kinda easy part. Using a fine liner to go over the lines made with the pencil.



Now comes the part where your drawing comes alive. Applying the skin tone color, the hair color, adding the body highlights.



Last but not least, coloring the clothes. This is the part where, you are allowed, as much as you want to, to play with all the colors. You can try to render a fabric. You can, pretty much, play with your imagination and inspiration.


I completely adore her. I made her so confident and sexy and elegant. There’s something calm about her.

Now I’m going all crazy about her, but hey, just like Thomas Merton said: « Art enable us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time. »

Sometimes, I think to myself that I can draw anything, it’s just that I chose « Fashion Illustration. »

That was it for today.

Until next time,

Peace and Class.

Hi Lovies!

How is your week going? I hope it’s going well.

The fashion quote of the day is: « Fashion should be a form of escapism, not a form of imprisonment »- Ralph Lauren

Today, I want to share with you some fashion drawings, hoping that you’ll like them.




You can follow me on:

Instagram: @EtoileKoukougnon

Twitter: @JolieGoDeGagnoa

I want to let you know that I also blog at! Make sure you check it and the website too :

On that note,

Peace and Class Lovies!