Tous les articles par brightirawo

A propos brightirawo

Proud IVORIAN gyal!! I'm crazy but shy at the same DAMN time!! But i'm a big sucker for fashion an all that comes with it, most especially Fashion Drawing. I hope that one day, I'll be able to bring and share my vision of fashion within Africa and my country!


Hey guys!!

I hope everything is fine on your side. On mine, everything is cool. I even got a new hair style. At this point, you shouldn’t be surprised with me changing my hair all the time and with the changes that I make. Just like the title, I went back to the short hair. I’m at a level where cutting my hair is not a big deal anymore. I actually like it. To be honest, it suits me and my style. It’s my « Boy meets Girl » moment. My barber (that sounds weird) and I have the same vision. He knows what I like and for that he gets a shout out from yours truly. On top of that, there is some color involved (a mix between orange and red).

Enjoy. xx








Here’s a closer look at it


On that note,

Peace and Class.

Twitter: @KKGDeBord
IG: @SopieTello

Young Stunner

Hello guys!

I’ve been out of the map for a while but I’m back now.

The bestie was around this past weekend. We had a super great time (we always do).

She came because she had an audition with a modeling agency (Mannequin Montreal). I went there with her. She took some nice shots that I want to share with you today.

PS: I styled her!











She is GORGEOUS!!!!

On that note,

Peace and Class.


Twitter: @Kkgdebord (hers: @UrsullaAdou).

IG: @Sopietello (hers:@Ursulla_cheery).

Value Village

Hey guys! It’s been a while but I’m back again!

With my best friend, we decided to do some shopping together (that doesn’t happen a lot). So that day, we were on our way to « Value Village », a thrift store. Lately, I’ve been obsessed with over sized shirt dresses, and there’re a lot in thrift stores. She came along and it was a very fun day.  We got some very nice things. I enjoy her company so much! She’s just pure fire! She makes me laugh like crazy. I love her (no homo).

I hope you’ll enjoy the following pictures.





Top: American Apparel

Boyfriend Jean: Value Village

Studded shoes

Bag: Coach



Top: Value Village

Shorts: DIY

Shoes: MontegoBay Club (Value Village)

Bag: Partio Italy (Value village)

P.S: I’ve been counting the people who liked my hair since I came to Ottawa and it’s pretty much close to 50! Yeah! I’ve received very nice comments like « It’s nice and colorful », « It’s reckless but I like it », « OMG! Your hair is so pretty ». I’m on cloud 9 when that happens. Hehehe.

We got ourselves some pretty nice things!




You see that cart? 30 minutes later, it was already full!





The men’s section is my favorite. There’s something about men’s shirt that turns my style button on.  And there’re so many nice shirts and the price is CHEAP! For example, that jean shirt is a certified LEVISTRAUSS and I got it for $9.99! Can you imagine?

We could have taken more pictures but we were too busy looking and trying on things.

On that note,

Peace and Class.


IG: Princesse2Ouragahio
Twitter: @KKGDeBord
Facebook: Esther Koukougnon

Out and About

My best friend/sister came to spend the weekend with yours truly. It was her last weekend before starting work. How sweet is that! We had a proper Turn Up!!! Whenever she’s around, so many weird/funny/amazing things happen.


We were on our way to the one place she can never get enough of when she comes, l’Abidjanaise, to eat that one meal we, Ivorians, can’t live without (Garba). I was rocking a black long sleeves crop top, a DIY short, a studded backpack and studded shoes. Oh! And the glasses added a little edgy/vintage touch. Me love it.

I have to admit that I’m camera-shy. I always use  the self timer, and I’m used to it so whenever a person is holding a camera, I tend to hide. Well, it depends on the person. With her behind the camera, it’s all good. I don’t have to be shy.

Can I mention one last time that I really dig my hair? Well, I just did.

Enjoy the pictures.











On that note,

Peace and Class.

Marley Feeling


 It has been 33 years that Bob Marley passed away. May his soul rest in perfect peace.

Only 2 days ago, I was nappy. I got tired of it. It was time to hide it again so I did my hair!I have long twists. They almost look like locks. It took me like a day. I started Thursday and finished yesterday. Compared to normal braids, this is less tiring and less heavy. If it wasn’t that long, I would have finished the same day. I used 6 packs of Royal Silk Afro Twist Braid.

Honestly, when it comes to my hair, I’m never afraid to try new things, and usually everything I do looks good on me (from long to short and vice versa). I’m EXTREMELY satisfied with the result! I L.O.V.E it! By the way, the color is GORGEOUS!! It’s orange-ish but it looks red-ish on the pictures. I swear it makes me feel some type of way! I’m on that  »Marley » type of swag! I don’t really brag, but I’m just too damn good and I give credit to myself and my GOLDEN HANDS!

I usually don’t put lot of pictures but this time I have to cause I look super duper FLY. Enjoy. xx






















On that lovely smile of mine,

Peace and Class.

Customized Shirt

Hi people!

I finally got to touch my baby (sewing machine)!!!! I was itching to do that. I loved the itch though, it allowed me to come up with something good.
Here’s the story: I have decided not to throw or give away my old clothes (well, the iones I really like). Instead, I’m going to modify, transform and make them cooler.

I started with this shirt and added some some fabric that I still had. I spent about 3 hours on it.

So here’s the result!! *Drum rolls*






PS: I just realized that there was a thread hanging! OMG!

That was it for today!! I’ll be back in a few days.

You can also check out where you’ll find my posts too.

Twitter: @KKGDeBord, IG: @etoilekoukougnon.

Thank you.

On that note,

Peace and Class.

Poncho Style

Hola gente! Como están?

It’s all about this today!


I’m sure a lot of you are familiar with this but don’t know the name of it. Well, it’s a PONCHO! And guess what? I have one too. My mum gave it to me before she left.

I’ve always seen it as a non-stylish piece of cloth until I tried it on for the first time few days ago and I was like  »OMG! This is the BOMB! »


I suggest you get one too. I t’s a valuable piece that one should have in their closet!

That’s a wrap for today! Keep posted for more articles.
Twitter: @KKGDeBord
IG: @etoilekoukougnon

Thank you.

On that note,

Peace and Class.

Sewing Project 3: Circle skirt ( and Bandeau Top)

Good day guys!

Project #3 is here!! A very simple circle skirt and a bandeau top. I bought 3 yards of fabric and ended up using 2 1/2 yards.

Oya! Let me not do the  »long talk » thing » and get straight to the point!



That’s it guys! I hope that you’ll find this interesting. More projects are on the way. In the mean time, you can also check out where I also post articles.

You can follow me on IG @etoilekoukougnon and Twitter @KKGDeBord.

Thank you!

On that note,

Peace and Class.


Sewing Project 2: Jacket and high waisted shorts

Greetings my people from yours truly!

Today, I’ll present to you my second sewing project, which is a jacket and high waisted shorts. I started and finished this last weekend. I didn’t do it from scratch. I made patterns for it.


This is 1/2 of the whole pattern: #1 is the back and #2 is the front. I used this to make the jacket.


This is the pattern for the shorts: #1 is the front, #2 is the back and #3 and #4 are the pocket bag.

I really took my time with this project because the fabric is really nice and I didn’t want to waste it or whatsoever. With that being said, let’s have a look at the results!!! *Drum rolls*


This is how the shorts look. I added a waistband.


Now, the jacket and the shorts. There are 3 buttons on the jacket but I didn’t make holes.

Last but not least. You all know I need to wrap my head, so this is the final look.  »Drum rolls again*

I’m really happy about this one. I think it came out the way I wanted. Also like I told you, the fabric is pretty nice.

I hope that you’ll enjoy reading this article and stay around for the next sewing project.

You can follow me on IG @etoilekoukougnon and Twitter @KKGDeBord.

On that note,

Peace and Class.

Sewing Project 1: Blazer

Hello Lovies!

These coming weeks, I’ll be posting some sewing projects, whether the results are good or bad.

This first project is a blazer. I love me some blazers (I don’t have much though, only 6) and mastering the art of making them is kind of crucial to me. In that spirit, I tried to make one myself.

It’s not a fancy blazer, it’s a simple one. I made it using another blazer as a pattern. So here it is!


I used 1 yard and half for it and there was still fabric. I used and will be using it to wrap my head. That fabric actually gives me a « summer vibe ». Initially, I didn’t want to add any button, but I ended up adding 4 buttons.

To me, it looks like a shirt and a blazer at the same time! But I’m kind of satisfied with the results. I made a big mistake though: I sew the left arm right side down (the wrong side of the fabric is showing). I still have to work on the collar. Putting the buttons and making holes for it was less difficult.  Other than these two things, I think I’m ok for now. But I believe my next blazer will be better.


Comments and suggestions are very welcome.

You can follow me on IG :@etoilekoukougnon, Twitter: @KKGDeBord.

On that note,

Peace and Class.