Archives mensuelles : avril 2014

Customized Shirt

Hi people!

I finally got to touch my baby (sewing machine)!!!! I was itching to do that. I loved the itch though, it allowed me to come up with something good.
Here’s the story: I have decided not to throw or give away my old clothes (well, the iones I really like). Instead, I’m going to modify, transform and make them cooler.

I started with this shirt and added some some fabric that I still had. I spent about 3 hours on it.

So here’s the result!! *Drum rolls*






PS: I just realized that there was a thread hanging! OMG!

That was it for today!! I’ll be back in a few days.

You can also check out where you’ll find my posts too.

Twitter: @KKGDeBord, IG: @etoilekoukougnon.

Thank you.

On that note,

Peace and Class.