DIY: Leather Collar Shirt

Hi Lovies!

I’m sorry I couldn’t post lately, I’ve been busy with some other stuff.

With that being said, today’s DIY is going to be about revamping the collar of your shirt, jean shirt, anything that has a collar. I recently watched a video on YouTube and I decided to try it myself.

Here’s what you’ll need:

-A shirt or anything that has a collar (I used an old one since it’s my first try).

-Leather fabric



-Fabric Glue




Let’s start!

-First, lay your shirt flat so that the inside of the shirt is facing up



-Take your fabric glue and apply it on the inside of the collar


-Cut enough fabric to cover up the collar and place it directly on the glue.


-Take your scissors and cut along the edge of the collar to remove the excess of the fabric (get as close to the collar as possible).



And here the final result:



I was feeling hype about the shirt, so I decided to « pose » a bit!



I hope you’ll enjoy this DIY!

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