Archives mensuelles : septembre 2013

DIY: Shredded Sweatshirt

Hi Lovies!

How’re you all doing? I hope good.

Here’s the fashion quote of the day: « Unique and different is the next generation of beautiful »– Taylor Swift

Yeah! It’s the weekend! I’m really happy because this week has been very tiring. I’ll get some rest and of course, I’ll keep posting some DIYs. I wanted to post this one Sunday but I won’t be able to do so, that’s why I’m posting it at this late time. I’m sorry about that.

Today’s DIY will be about shredding sweatshirts or any kind of top.

Before I start, for those of you who are not familiar with shredded clothes, here are some pictures.

shredded sweat 2shredded sweat 1


Shreds can be made horizontally or vertically or anyhow you want it.

To achieve this, you’ll need:

-A sweatshirt or any kind of top.



This is my Hello Kitty Sweatshirt that I got last year from Forever 21.

-A marker, preferably a black one



This is my black Promarker.

-A ruler or something to make straight lines with



-A pair of scissors



Without further due, let’s start.

>First, you’re going to lay the sweatshirt flat, like in the first picture.

>Take the scissors and cut the collar, following the seam all way around the top of the sweatshirt.



>Then you’re going to take your ruler and your marker and begin making straight lines down the back of the sweatshirt. The lines I’m making are about one inch apart and one inch from the edges on both sides. You can do it with different measures, it depends on how you want the shreds.



>Now, you’re going to take the scissors and cut on the lines you previously made.



>Once all the lines are cut out, you’re going to stretch the fabric because it has to hang and be drippy, and stretch the collar as well.


>This is optional: you can cut out the elastic part from both sleeves.

So here’s the final product:



It came out really well, and it was super easy to do. It’s really cute!!!

I hope you’ll enjoy this DIY.

PS: I’m wearing it on a jean short that I distressed myself. I’ll also make a DIY on that too very soon.

You can follow me on:

Twitter: @JolieGoDeGagnoa

Instagram: EtoileKoukougnon

On that note,

Peace ans Class Lovies!

DIY: Reconstructed Sweater

Hi Lovies!

The fashion quote of the day: « Only great minds can afford a simple style »- Stendhal.

So I’m back with a new DIY. After showing you guys how to rip your tights, I’ll show you how to restyle, reconstruct old winter sweaters, old pullovers. Not only on sweaters, it works on any type of blouse.

This DIY was inspired by KIA, a stylist, who has a channel on YouTube called « The Notorious KIA ». I’ll post the link to the video so that you can see it for yourself. In the mean time, this is what you’ll need to revamp you sweater.

-A top: a sweater, a blouse, a long sleeves T-Shirt, a pullover,…


I got this sweater from The Salvation Army.

-A pair of scissors


This is optional: you can add studs, buttons, or whatever you want on it. I chose to add studs.


>If there are any jagged edges, clean it.

>And finally, you can add studs, buttons or spikes to your top (optionally).

This is the final result:


I did this yesterday night and it took me less than 30 minutes and I’m very satisfied with the final look. It’s simple and affordable and also very fashionable. I was so excited that I wore it this morning to go to class.


So this was my morning outfit and also my outfit of the day:

-The  Tiger Top: Urban Planet

-The High-Waisted Pants: American Apparel

-The Flats: Ardene (Let me give you a close look)


How cute is that!!!!

I hope you’ll enjoy this little DIY!

Before I forget, here’s the link to the video:

On that note,

Peace and Class.

DIY:Rip ‘Em Tights

Hi Lovies!

How are you all doing today? I hope fine!

As usual, let me start this article by giving you the fashion quote of the day: « Style is an expression of individualism mixed with charisma. Fashion is something that comes after style. »- John Fairchild

Today’s artcle will be kind of a tutorial of how to rip your tights. It’s a very easy process that I want to share with you guys. I hope it’ll hep you out.

Things you’ll need:

-A pair of tights (nylon/spandex):



I got them from Dollarama for $1,50.

-A seam ripper



You can get from any drug store. If you don’t have this, you can also use a small pair of scissors. I personally  prefer the seam ripper. It’s way easier.

First, you have to wear the tights, so that you’ll know where you to rip them. Then, you’re going to use the seam ripper/small pair of scissors to make small holes and pull them to make them grow. If you want to create larger holes, you’ll have to make bigger holes.

Here are the results



I ripped mine with small holes for 2 reasons: the cold is coming (Canada is a crazy country) and I didn’t want it to look extra crazy.




-The Grand Ma Top (as I call it): The Salvation Army

-The Tights: Dollarama

-Boots: Urban Planet.

So this is it!

On that note,

Have a nice day!

Peace and Class Lovies!


Old Love Found

Hey Lovies!

I’m so sorry I’ve been away. I had so many things to do (back to school stuff) and a birthday to celebrate. I turned 20 last week, wednesday.

I feel great. I’m not a teenager anymore. I’m an adult. Waouw, that sounded so serious. I’m serious though.

One thing my 20th year is not going to take away is my crazy attitude. I don’t want it to leave me!! That would be just sad!

Anyways, today i want to share with you a picture of myself. Since I started the blog, I,ve been posting about everything except myself.

Last year, I started going to thrift shops, like The Salvation Army and Value Village, more often, and that day I decided to shop for skirts. I ended up buying 3 skirts.

Today, while I was rearranging my stuff, I found one of them.


I remember my girlfriends laughed when they saw it. They were like « This is so old school! Where are you going to wear that to? », and I was like « This is kinda vintage. », and they kept laughing.

When I found it, I tried to create an outfit with it, and I think it came out pretty well.



After looking at the prictures, I came with the conclusion that this skirt is the B.O.M.B!!! I love it more than ever.


I got the White Lace Cropped Top from Stitches, the skirt from The Salvation Army and the Black Heels (with platform) from Sirens.

PS: To get a better view of the picture, just click on it.

On that note,

Peace and Class Lovies.